December 2024 Update
CEO Update
This is my last update for 2024, and what a wonderful year it has been! On behalf of the board and the wonderful Committee for Perth team, I want to thank our members for their continued support and engagement. We’ve also been encouraged by the increasing community interest in our activities to promote big ambitious plans for Perth now, and toward 2050 and beyond.
We hosted 25 events this year, including our first member tour to Rottnest Island (Wadjemup) in May and will host our first Premier’s Address this week. We launched new event formats Twilight Talks, and Urban Insights – where together with members, we explore transformations of precincts and regions sharing insights from those who are leading change.
By collaborating with 14 of our members, Committee for Perth was able to deliver an impactful submission in response to the WA Government’s Perth and Peel Urban Greening Strategy with feasible recommendations and ideas. The Urban Greening Strategy is due to be announced in 2025.
Keeping true to our evidence-based leadership, we launched the 2024 Perth Perception Survey with member Ipsos, partnered with member RSM Australia to produce the Powering Perth: The path to global recognition report, and then last month, we released the Perth 2050 report with member Scitech and accredited futurist Dr Ben Hamer.
The Perth 2050 Report was an opportunity to inspire us all to imagine the possibilities for Perth as a
decarbonised, diversified and more densely populated region. We see this as our platform to lead into 2025 as we prepare for a Perth 2050 Summit. We would love for you to share with us your ideas for speakers, themes and discussions.
We have more members than ever, and the membership reflects an incredible diversity across 42 different sectors. I call this our magic – with every connection to Committee for Perth, you have the opportunity to engage with different ideas and perspectives, to share within your organisations and networks, to ultimately help make the Perth region one of the world’s most liveable.