Perth 2050
The Perth 2050 report provides an outlook for the future of Perth. It offers a vision alongside insights, ideas, and perspectives for addressing the challenges and opportunities lying ahead. For some, the year 2050 might seem far away. But getting there is complex and things like housing density, economic diversification […]

Leading Cities
In collaboration with member organisation, RSM Australia, Committee for Perth released the Powering Perth: The path to global recognition report, as part of RSM Australia’s Leading Cities series. The report highlights the opportunities for Perth of diversifying its economy and the need for urgency in capitalising on its comparative advantages. […]

Perth Perception Surveys
Committee for Perth commissions a study into residents’ perceptions of Perth and how this varies among expatriates and those born and raised locally. Introduced in 2012 and commissioned every three years, the study explores residents’ overall satisfaction with living in Perth and its drivers. It also explores the perceived advantages […]

FACTBase Reports
FACTBase is a collaborative research project between Committee for Perth and The University of Western Australia. It aims to benchmark the liveability of Perth and its global connectedness through an examination of Perth’s economic, social, demographic and political character. The FACTBase team of academics and researchers condense a plethora of […]

Race to the Top
Meeting current and future workforce needs is one of the biggest challenges facing many WA businesses. The urgency of dealing with the skills crisis and preparing the workforce for the future cannot be underestimated, hence it is a race for industry, education providers and governments. Committee for Perth tackled this […]

Future of Work
During 2020-2021, the Future of Work project focused on equipping WA and its people for the changing world of work. The genesis for the project came from discussions with members, many of who were contemplating the future of work given technological uptake, disruption and automation and what this would mean for Perth […]

Hashtag Perth
During 2019-20, Committee for Perth undertook the Hashtag Perth project to reposition the region by enhancing its reputation. Hashtag Perth followed on from the Bigger & Better Beyond the Boom (B4) project which established that Perth is falling behind in the global race for city-competitiveness. B4 identified a shared desire for Perth […]

What We Thought Would Kill Us
The What We Thought Would Kill Us series examines some of Perth’s most controversial developments, which have generated large amounts of community opposition either during the approval or development stages. In undertaking a retrospective analysis, the Committee aims to provide case studies that not only document the history and development of particular […]

Filling the Pool
With a poor track record of women participating and progressing in corporate life in Perth, the Committee undertook a two-year long, gender equity research project – Filling the Pool. The project culminated in the launch of the report in 2015 with its road-map of 31 interlocking recommendations for government, the corporate […]

Bigger & Better Beyond the Boom
The 2017-18 major project Bigger & Better Beyond the Boom (B4) focused on the current and future economy of the Perth and Peel region, and examined the size, industry composition and spatial structure of the economy. A four-pronged research approach was applied which involved academic research, in-house expertise, consultative findings and on-the-ground […]

Get a Move On!
With Perth predicted to have 7 of the 10 most congested roads in Australia and congestion identified as the primary issue of concern for Perth and Peel residents, both today and for the future, the aim of the 2016 research project – Get a Move On! – was to identify a preferred […]

Towards a Bright Future – Perth @ 3.5 million people
In 2012 Towards a Bright Future was released after a four-year-long research project. This was the most significant and detailed report about Perth’s future to date. The report outlines two contrasting scenarios for Perth’s future with the worst case called ‘Business as Usual’. It provides the opportunities and challenges Perth […]

Future Freo
Invited by a number of Fremantle stakeholders, Committee for Perth undertook its first sub-regional project – Future Freo during 2014-15. The aim was to undertake baseline research on the region’s economic, social and demographic characteristics and compare the data to the greater Perth region and similar regions locally, nationally and […]

Cultural Compact
In 2008 Committee for Perth released the Cultural Compact report, which made recommendations how arts and culture can become part of the daily lives of West Australians. The compact invites the arts and culture sector, the government, businesses and philanthropists to work together to revitalise Greater Perth’s vibrancy and cultural offerings. Report […]

Cost of Living
This research project was designed to better inform the conversation around the rising cost of living that was experienced in Perth and other Australian cities. The seven part series was published between June 2013 and June 2014. As part of this series we explored: