Hashtag Perth

During 2019-20, Committee for Perth undertook the Hashtag Perth project to reposition the region by enhancing its reputation.

Hashtag Perth followed on from the Bigger & Better Beyond the Boom (B4) project which established that Perth is falling behind in the global race for city-competitiveness. B4 identified a shared desire for Perth to diversify its economy, develop growing and innovative sectors and create distinguishable strengths. Forging a strong, positive, recognisable reputation was highlighted as an important part of this process.

After almost two years of collecting data and feedback on Perth’s reputation locally, nationally and internationally, Boorloo Kworp ‘Perth is Good’, is the output report arising from the Hashtag Perth project. With the aim of exposing Perth as Australia’s best-kept secret, Boorloo Kworp importantly details the actions required to reposition Perth by enhancing its status as a place to live, work, study, invest and visit.

Report Recommendations

  1. Take advantage of renewed community pride and activate people to share Perth’s best-kept secrets
  2. Undertake collaborative action to increase awareness and enhance Perth’s reputation locally, nationally and internationally
  3. Create the ‘one big thing’ to put Perth on the map
  4. Reactivate Perth’s hubs and centres
  5. Create a vibrant Perth City Centre with a critical mass of residents, students, workers and visitors day and night
  6. Collaborate for year round vibrancy across Perth
  7. Look north for opportunity and utilise existing relationships with Asia to strengthen ties with Perth
  8. Target economic stimulus and economic development funds to diversify the economy and strengthen Perth’s reputation
  9. Enhance Perth’s reputation by being a renewable energy leader