Bigger & Better Beyond the Boom

The 2017-18 major project Bigger & Better Beyond the Boom (B4) focused on the current and future economy of the Perth and Peel region, and examined the size, industry composition and spatial structure of the economy.

A four-pronged research approach was applied which involved academic research, in-house expertise, consultative findings and on-the-ground study tours. The final report identified 11 high-level opportunities for the economic future of the Greater Perth region, supported by 7 key recommendations.

Report Recommendations
  1. Develop the inaugural investment, engagement and attraction strategy and associated brand to promote Perth as a place to invest, work and learn.
  2. Create the inaugural long-term economic growth and competitiveness strategy.
  3. Develop the inaugural long-term infrastructure strategy.
  4. Focus on sectors where Perth has a competitive advantage, opportunity or increasing demand in order to grow the economy.
  5. Protect and nurture Perth’s ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship.
  6. Implement ‘smart city’ initiatives for infrastructure efficiency and improved liveability and urban competitiveness.
  7. Increase Perth’s human capital and foster lifelong learning.