
Perth Perception Surveys

Committee for Perth commissions a study into residents’ perceptions of Perth and how this varies among expatriates and those born...

Race to the Top Meeting current and future workforce needs is one of the biggest challenges facing many WA businesses. The urgency of...

Future of Work During 2020-2021, the Future of Work project focused on equipping WA and its people for the changing world of work. The...

Hashtag Perth During 2019-20, Committee for Perth undertook the Hashtag Perth project to reposition the region by enhancing its reputation. Hashtag Perth followed...
Filling the Pool

Filling the Pool

With a poor track record of women participating and progressing in corporate life in Perth, the Committee undertook a two-year...

Bigger & Better Beyond the Boom

The 2017-18 major project Bigger & Better Beyond the Boom (B4) focused on the current and future economy of the Perth and...

Get a Move On!

With Perth predicted to have 7 of the 10 most congested roads in Australia and congestion identified as the primary...

Towards a Bright Future – Perth @ 3.5 million people

In 2012 Towards a Bright Future was released after a four-year-long research project. This was the most significant and detailed...
Future Freo

Future Freo

Invited by a number of Fremantle stakeholders, Committee for Perth undertook its first sub-regional project – Future Freo during 2014-15....

Cultural Compact

In 2008 Committee for Perth released the Cultural Compact report, which made recommendations how arts and culture can become part of the...

Cost of Living

This research project was designed to better inform the conversation around the rising cost of living that was experienced in...